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Food Delivery

Being at the comfort of our home especially those working online, earning from a home-based type of business or employment, far from the traffic as well as the heat of the sun, food delivery service can bring a great relief from facing those pains getting your feet on the streets just to have a good meal. In Davao City, you will have various fast food chains and restaurants you can choose from and have it delivered to your doorstep.

Select from the type of cuisine below and dial the numbers to order.

We will try to make this Davao food delivery directory as updated as possible. If you know of any more Davao food delivery services, feel free to tell us about it, so that we can update this list.

Is your restaurant not in this list? Drop us a message containing the following information: name of the restaurant (must be within Davao), and phone number/s. We will be happy to add your restaurant to this list.


  1. I noticed a crisis in the restaurant business. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus, I had to think about more global sales.
    I have a small family restaurant, but because of the quarantine I had to somehow get out. At first we thought about developing the site, we were very inspired by the article
    and we decided to create a website with which our customers began to order food at home, but we did not stop there, because most of our customers ordered from phones, we thought about creating an application, here you can find out about applications for delivering
    We were able to achieve incredible results. Turned our waiters into deliveries, customers are satisfied, orders are growing, what could be cooler? Although the crisis, but do not lose heart and give up. Food delivery services and applications really steer! But if you don’t have enough money, then you can also try some already tried and tested world food delivery services that allow you to add dishes from your menu to the service, and the delivery service will deliver food to your customers for you, but there are risks, commissions too and other nuances, it’s better already mine, as reliable as for me.

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